Below is the poem entitled
Last second
which was written by poet
Garnet Howse.
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Read Poems by Garnet Howse
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Last second
I have numbered the chances
In different colors,
Prideful, all I see is red
Linings dripping down my
frail body
I can feel the few ribs that
My other half cut, can’t
A miracle is what I hoped
Abrasive beings is what I doped
Once, hundreds of strong men
last, the enemy outwears his
love wide
At the sight of thousands of
voices echoing in the Coliseum
At the sight of him who
watches at the podium
I wish my sword tasted his
As my chains dropped on the
cows cud
Through his throat, to feel
same pain the scars carry
And the price of his head be
Am sad that I will die a slave
Though beaten with rods we
were so brave
down to the last second, we
fought tirelessly
Screaming out a thousand
lashes madly!!
By Garnet Howse
September 2016
Form- Free verse,
Topic Of Poem- Death
Form- Free verse,
Topic Of Poem- Death
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