Below is the poem entitled
{A Virtuous Woman} which was written by poet {Victor Chukwuka}
Please feel free to comment on this poem. However, please remember, Sublimepoems is a place of encouragement and growth.
"A Virtuous Woman"
A woman wholly made,
In her no friendly colours ever fade,
She sets her standards high,
Stoops not low to any mundane conformity.
Upright in her ways,
Her heart speaks and says,
" do what's right, all the time",
Positive assertions which she obeys.
More precious is she,
than the most precious metal that be.
And happy is the man,
who has her as his number one fan.
Her steps are straight,
Woven by the hands of fate.
She's a benign creature,
Most coveted by forces of nature.
One day i hope to meet,
And kneel at the comely feet,
Of a virtuous woman,
Who knows,turn out her number one fan...
©Victor Chukwuka
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