
As I walk by Faith

Below is the poem entitled As I walk by Faith which was written by poet Jennifer Donnay.
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As I walk by Faith

As I walk by faith, my heart is swollen, with His Love,
As I walk by Faith, my feet, they are hitting the ground,
As I walk by Faith, to spread His word,  my thoughts are truly sound..

As I walk by Faith, my head held high, looking towards the sky, 
As I walk by Faith,  so far from home, hoping to spread some love to whomever will listen, 
As I walk by Faith, The Spirit, my GOD, his face his touch, I know Will glisten..

As I sit down to pray, He speaks so softly in my ear, My Faithful servant, Job well done,
As I hear others talk and testify to the Book of Mormon, "Ye, has believed it's true, nay, come upon to my Baptismal font, Enter into my holy water, go under, to come up as a free, clean, child Of GOD, for I created you, to be where you are now, to Learn, live, be like me, Don't worry, my dear Child, for You have the Holy Ghost to lead you, guide you, Walk beside you".

As I walk away, with Faith renewed, my Savior Jesus Christ, I kneel down to pray, My dear elders, rest your faithful, tired, body, Remember, I called you to Serve, and Serve you did..I love you, now Go forth, and know you are Forever loved.."
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