
Bangladesh The birth of a nation Epilogue

Below is the poem entitled Bangladesh The birth of a nation Epilogue which was written by poet Sumit Majumdar.
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Bangladesh The birth of a nation Epilogue

Fate has finally caught up with their war crimes
And their memories now recall those bloodied times
The women they raped and the children they killed
The freedom fighters they tortured and the dread they instilled
These were their countrymen, their brothers, their kin
Heady with power and to the devil akin
Tried by the courts and now condemned to die 
The noose is finally tightening, their final moments nigh
Following the mayhem, Bangladesh rose like the phoenix
And we followed with bated breath the traumatic experience 
The times, they are not a changing, Dylan should now agree
When demented regimes repeatedly run amok, there is no place to flee 
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Year Posted 2016
Form- Ballad, Bangla
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