
She is the Queen of my Heart

Below is the poem entitled She is the Queen of my Heart which was written by poet Mark Frank. Please feel free to comment on this
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She is the Queen of my Heart

She is the queen of my heart
She is the lady upon the throne of my life
She is the one pouring down on me like the rain

The lineage of her soul is a pattern for love
She is royalty from above
The sound of her voice is a
Stream of warmth that glows and
Filters a man’s purpose

Royalty, a measure of certainty
Brilliantly assembled is the truth about my loyalty
She is beautiful; I know I said this before 
But she is the core of my destiny
She is royalty

Her eyes make me quiver
Seeing her beauty makes me cry a river
Approaching her throne I shiver with excitement
Her presence is a delight for the ages
The glory of her life will fill the pages of history
Her story is a tale for eternity
Demonstration that she is royalty

Royalty, a measure of certainty
Brilliantly assembled is the truth about my loyalty
She is beautiful; I know I said this before 
But she is the core of my destiny
She is royalty

Mark Frank

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Year Posted 2016
Form- Love
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