

My homeland, my fatherland
settles on the valley of two breasts,
a virgin to behold,
two sisters lead to her,
Akpa-Edem and Ozi-Edem

I am proud of her greenish status,
far from fraud of fertility,
far from loud mouth of noises,
nor nameless crimes-germination,
and infectivity of experimentation

The moonlight outshines the streetlights,
as her brood listens to tales of nurture
and the beat of the invisible drummer,
dancers, to the songs of nature,
with endless joy.

Edem-Ani is indeed a beauty.
Like the Garden of Eden,
Her fruit-trees are the sweetest
Ground on the toiled black soil;
her sweetest ujuru and ogbono seeds,
the awesome flavor of her redish-akwu.

Oh, my grey aged great-grandfather's childhood!
Look at her black nakedness!
Wrap with warmness
Why, your color has not changed?
Walls, the wet red clay,
Cooler than the air conditioners.
Woe is me! White civilization,
to steal offspring from kinky hairs.
Yet, at dark corners,
warm voices of flat-breast women
firm black skins with strong ankles
Chat joyfully on the return
of their grandchildren.

They said you are poor.
They boast of long houses and frozen paths.
I do not know what is poor.
I know the roots of your trees are valuable,
your quiet and purple silence is an asset,
birds, on the thatched roofs, are tourist attraction,
© Edith Uchenna
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