
September Has Already Arrived

September has already arrived,
Enchanting is the scene.
Pausing in the countryside
Tinting trees of green.
Everything is changing:
Mixed colours far and wide.
Brushed by nature’s paintbrush,
Expressions of her pride.  
Rumblings in the heavens:

Higher rising clouds,
Announce approaching thunderstorms:
Startling summer crowds!

As they run for shelter,
Lightning splits the sky!
Raging waters follow, 
Engorging pastures dry. 
At the storm’s departure,
Drifting clouds remain:
Yonder goes the rain.

After Nature’s tantrums,
Refreshing is the breeze.
Ripened, fit for picking
Is fruit upon the trees.
Vivid are those moments:
Evenings we recall:
Delighting one and all!
©Denis Barter
September 3rd, 2016
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