
Ode To Caylee

Poem About The Loss Of An Innocent Girl

A Tribute To Caylee Anthony

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I have been keeping up with this I was looking for a poem for my husband to
have read for his mom passed away. Is was so touching I wish they could read it on tv.

Ode to Caylee
Although I've never met Caylee Anthony face to face
I pray she is in a warm safe place
Such a sweet and innocent little girl
It breaks my heart to think she has left this world
That she is no longer among the living
Her beautiful memory will surely keep giving
Though she may never reach the tender age of eleven
I take comfort knowing she is with God in heaven
No one knows what she had to endure
Unfortunately for people like her mother there is no known cure
While her mother wishes she was never born
For her an entire country will mourn
The world will miss the little Angel named Caylee
At least I know she is where we all hope to be

© Edward

Form- Death, Ode

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