
Read and learn

Rules Are many
Followers don't care about them
They stand for something else
They have lost their firm belief

Feelings are felt
But no presence of love
To be honest,we all have lost Trust nowadays
Dream's Are plenty
But those that make it to reality are afew
To be honest life does not favour us
Centuries Have passed
And generation have last
To be honest I still don't understand the concepts
Politics changes mindset of people
But only the creator can reverse the nature of a mindset
To be honest, I believe in God but sometimes it doesn't make sense
Words were there before and
Poetry had made it through
To be honest, words do change the world because it still lives with a peaceful altitude with the heart
They say the end is near
But still we don't believe in the Bible , we believe In something different
To be honest I see hell on earth....
Iwrite ink© 2016
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About Victor Chukwuka

Blogger, Fashion Icon, Online PR, An Avid Reader