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Read Poems by DM Babbit
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Thoughts on Poetry
If I write a poem that doesn't quite meet your criteria,
or the title or topic fails to peek your interest or your liking,
or the content doesn't flow in your preferred display and meter,
does that make it distasteful or worse, irrelevant?
These ramblings on life, love, sadness, sorrow, pursuit of happiness
fail to wane, they are persistent recurrent waxings of a mind,
singular and focused, hostaged to the written word and rhyme,
its cadence that enrapture a ponderance, a dance and a ache
within the confined thoughts of poetry both read and written.
To you, they may not always seem relevant
but that's okay. How many words revealed
are not worthy of re-reading or contemplating point or purpose
or so beautifully awesome that a comment not be made?
May your ramblings sing and dance
appearing on the written page
to tease and taunt and teach tenaciously
so that your gift be opened and freely given away.
Copyright © DM Babbit
Year Posted 2016
Form- Poetry, Quatrain
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