
You Cross my Path

Below is the poem entitled You Cross my Path which was written by poet Gerry Legister.
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You Cross my Path

You cross my path today 
In solitude and silence 
Then you Smile, and floated away, 
Giving my heart a brief indulgence. 

I thought about that voyage,
That you will take from this hasty bend, 
Then the path before me will submerge 
Covered over, and come to a dead end.

Those brief moments will take silent shelter, 
In provisional time the jewel of precious kind  
Limit the power for us to spend together, 
There is no better wish that I could find.

Where joy holds the candle in my heart  
Until the day dawn when the light shines 
Across the tracks where beauty smile bright 
And the splendour of time gently chimes.

We will find words that knows no end 
Breaking forth from around every bend.
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Year Posted 2016
Form- Beauty, Desire, Dream
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