
A poem in my heart- Seun Suen

Below is the poem entitled
{A poem in my heart } which was written by poet {Seun Suen}.
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on this poem. However, please 
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A poem in my heart

There's Something Inside Everyone
There's a poem in my heart

Where the rain comes in,
Big splashy droplets
On the lid of life's wheelie bin.
But where have I been?
Wait for the news just in,
That will tell us where to start.
I've got gills on my brain
Which let me breathe memory,
Snapshots and flashbacks
Whoosh through imperfectly,
But what do they mean to me?
Wait for the fantasy
To pick me up alone again.
There's a person inside my limbs
Walking the shadowy bones
Where the biology grows wild around
But how are my insides bound?
Waiting to go underground
Where my angelic demon swims.

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