

Below is the poem entitled UNANSWERED QUESTIONS which was written by poet Victor Chukwuka.

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What is love, when it can't be expressed,

In the best possible way?

What happens when your heart's distressed,

And no comforting words a friend to you can say?

Who do you lean on in times hard?

As beyond the horizon, the sun's cast a gloomy shadow,

And every where’s dark.

Who can lend to you a comforting shoulder?

When situations are bad?

What possibly can be done,

When faith in you loved ones lack?

In whom do you put your whole trust?

In our world of today,

Characterized by sorrow and pain

When those you refer to as friends

Are the ones to betray you first,

Though they appear blameless,

And innocence they outwardly feign.

How far can you possibly go

When no one can lend,

To your worn-out soul,

A most helping hand,

And no friend remaineth to make this fast fading life of yours,

Once again whole.

September 2016

....for all lovers of good poetry
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About Victor Chukwuka

Blogger, Fashion Icon, Online PR, An Avid Reader