

Below is the poem entitled
{TRACES} which was written by poet  {By Garnet Howse}.
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on this poem. However, please 
remember, Sublimepoems is a 
place of encouragement and growth.

Wrapped an arm in bandages
Wrapped an eye in sunrays
Routes cannot be found without traces
Follow the soldiers to their trenches

Bind the woods with a red cross
Do not let further crucifixion
Do not let men with guns
Smelling blood to cover their tracks

Trees are hovering upon your huts
Trees men defend, trees men hide
And one man sees it all
And only one man to tell it all

By evening the sunrays will settle
And the moonrays will unwrap the bandages
One man with a sniper
One man across the cipher

But the night is long and full of terror
It leaves no traces
He sees boots, footwalkers
These are wild jokers
They only prey at night.

By Garnet Howse.
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