
Sanctioned Soul

Below is the poem entitled Sanctioned Soul which was written by poet Winged Warrior. Please feel free to comment on this poem. However, please remember, SublimePoems is a place of encouragement and growth.
 Sanctioned Soul

Dormant eyes never soundly sleep
For they only wake a wasteful weep
Transient thoughts that fill my head
Only keep the memories fiercely fed

Torrential tears of loves first sting
A conquered heart of early spring
My spirit scorned with every hour
As loves venom spreads sacredly sour

Oh holy and ambiguous nestled night
I take comfort in your scintillate sight
For I am always falling in a pitiless pit
Within the seductive silence sinful sit

The Bells of Death have wrung their toll
As I entomb my slaved sanctioned soul.

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