
Seun-Sleep,my only release


Below is the poem entitled  
{Sleep,my only release}  
which was written by poet  
{Seun}. Please feel free to 
comment on this poem. However, 
please remember, Sublimepoems 

is a place of encouragement and growth.

Sleep,my only release
Sometimes sleep
Is my only release
From the confines
And horrors of this world.
Just to wake up
Could be impossible
If not for that cup
Of warm, coconut brew.
The real reason
I sleep besides the
Waning warm season
Is the lack of your presence
When I open my eyes
I want to gaze into yours
See your smile, realize
All my dreams manifested.
My only desire,
For a future with you,
Is what kindles the fire
Of my soul, shining true.
But I hide it away
Since I have no place to go
My only option is to stay
And torture my soul
I’m living a lie
That might cost me dearly
My soul might just die
If I never break free
So I hide myself today,
Condense myself to nothing
Just wasting away
As my dreams turn to dust.

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About Victor Chukwuka

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